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<p>Shouldn't we just standardize on bunzli's libraries (including
the new <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="https://github.com/dbuenzli/utext">https://github.com/dbuenzli/utext</a>) instead of trying to
re-write code that usually ends up being quite subtle in each
standard library ?<br>
<div class="moz-cite-prefix">Le 10/02/2018 à 20:53, Simon Cruanes a
écrit :<br>
<blockquote type="cite" cite="mid:20180210195351.GE1388@carty">
<pre wrap="">Hi Peter,
Thanks for the suggestions. I'm no expert in unicode, but I do agree
that such basic functionalities should be more easily available.
Maybe a `Ustring` module in containers would make sense (as a private
alias to `string`); most functionalities below would fit there, I think.
Would you consider opening PRs against gen, sequence, and containers
repositories so we can discuss that without spamming the list? I can
help if needed, or do it myself.
I'm interested in tests too, but will probably write some (possibly
using Uutf as a reference); some of the tests you wrote below I can
retrofit in the qtest mechanism.
Le Sat, 10 Feb 2018, peter frey wrote:
<blockquote type="cite">
<pre wrap="">(*
Reading recent posts on discuss.ocal.org gives me the impression that some
number of utf related routines should be more easily available.
Container's Sequence.t and Gen.t, in particular could benefit from a couple
simple routines. The code below fits well into that frame work.
I am treating it as public domain code but feel free to make it your own and
include it where appropriate. (Perhaps some of the tests could go into the
example directory...)
The routines here DO NOT verify unless its unavoidable. In particular they
accept ALL code points that can be encoded by the original Utf8 definition.
It is only a matter of language; we could call it utf31 ...
Restricting the range is trivial; as would be including some verification
open Containers
(* Create a generator from a utf8-string. Each call produces a code point.
* The optional parameter srcIdx specifies then start point in the string.
* srcIdx must point to a valid suffix of a utf8 string.
* *)
let gen_of_utf8 ?(srcIdx=ref 0) str =
let lim = String.length str in
let assemble_next () = (* we come here only for multi-byte
characters *)
let cv jmax accu = (* utf8 character length; construction of
uchar *)
let rec cv' j accu' = (* inner loop j = 1..jmax ; each
uchar *)
let ch = Char.code str.[ !srcIdx + j] in
let next = ( (accu' lsl 6) lor ( ch land 0x7f )) in
if j = jmax then begin (* except for 1st, each char gives 6
srcIdx := !srcIdx + j +1; Some next (* +1 for 1st
char *)
end else cv' (succ j) next
in cv' 1 (* 1st char is already proccessed! *) accu
in if !srcIdx >= lim then None else
let n = str.[ !srcIdx ] in match n with
(* 0xxxxxxx *) | '\000' .. '\127' -> incr srcIdx; Some (int_of_char n)
(* 110yyyyy *) | '\128' .. '\223' -> cv 1 ((Char.code n) land 0b11111 )
(* 1110zzzz *) | '\224' .. '\239' -> cv 2 ((Char.code n) land 0b1111 )
(* 11110uuu *) | '\240' .. '\247' -> cv 3 ((Char.code n) land 0b111 )
(* 111110vv *) | '\248' .. '\251' -> cv 4 ((Char.code n) land 0b11 )
(* 1111110w *) | '\252' .. '\253' -> cv 5 ((Char.code n) land 0b1 )
(* 1111111X *) | '\254' .. '\255' -> raise (Failure "Bad stream")
in assemble_next;;
(* The 'natural' stream representation of a utf-string is a generator.
* But Sequences are not far away ... *)
let makeUtf8Seq ?(srcIdx=ref 0) str = Sequence.of_gen (gen_of_utf8 ~srcIdx
(* Convert a code point to a string; Hopefully some day this will be in the
* standard library. There are various equally trivial versions of this
* The returned string is created (allocated) fresh for each k.
* *)
let code_to_string k =
let mask = 0b111111 in
if k < 0 || k >= 0x4000000 then begin
let s = Bytes.create 6 in
Bytes.unsafe_set s 0 (Char.chr (0xfc + (k lsr 30)));
Bytes.unsafe_set s 1 (Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor ((k lsr 24) land
Bytes.unsafe_set s 2 (Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor ((k lsr 18) land
Bytes.unsafe_set s 3 (Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor ((k lsr 12) land
Bytes.unsafe_set s 4 (Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor ((k lsr 6) land mask)));
Bytes.unsafe_set s 5 (Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor (k land mask)));
s end
else if k <= 0x7f then
Bytes.make 1 (Char.unsafe_chr k)
else if k <= 0x7ff then begin
let s = Bytes.create 2 in
Bytes.unsafe_set s 0 (Char.unsafe_chr (0xc0 lor (k lsr 6)));
Bytes.unsafe_set s 1 (Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor (k land mask)));
s end
else if k <= 0xffff then begin
let s = Bytes.create 3 in
Bytes.unsafe_set s 0 (Char.unsafe_chr (0xe0 lor (k lsr 12)));
Bytes.unsafe_set s 1 (Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor ((k lsr 6) land mask)));
Bytes.unsafe_set s 2 (Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor (k land mask)));
s end
else if k <= 0x1fffff then begin
let s = Bytes.create 4 in
Bytes.unsafe_set s 0 (Char.unsafe_chr (0xf0 + (k lsr 18)));
Bytes.unsafe_set s 1 (Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor ((k lsr 12) land
Bytes.unsafe_set s 2 (Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor ((k lsr 6) land mask)));
Bytes.unsafe_set s 3 (Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor (k land mask)));
s end
else begin
let s = Bytes.create 5 in
Bytes.unsafe_set s 0 (Char.unsafe_chr (0xf8 + (k lsr 24)));
Bytes.unsafe_set s 1 (Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor ((k lsr 18) land
Bytes.unsafe_set s 2 (Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor ((k lsr 12) land
Bytes.unsafe_set s 3 (Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor ((k lsr 6) land mask)));
Bytes.unsafe_set s 4 (Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor (k land mask)));
s end
let string_to_code str =
let cv jmax accu = (* utf8 character length; construction of uchar
if jmax > String.length str then raise (Failure "string_to_code")
else let rec cv' j accu' = (* inner loop j = 1..jmax ; each uchar
let ch = Char.code (String.unsafe_get str j) in
let next = ( (accu' lsl 6) lor ( ch land 0x7f )) in
if j = jmax then next else cv' (succ j) next
in cv' 1 (* 1st char is already proccessed! *) accu
in let n = str.[0] in match n with
(* 0xxxxxxx *) | '\000' .. '\127' -> int_of_char n
(* 110yyyyy *) | '\128' .. '\223' -> cv 1 ((Char.code n) land 0b11111 )
(* 1110zzzz *) | '\224' .. '\239' -> cv 2 ((Char.code n) land 0b1111 )
(* 11110uuu *) | '\240' .. '\247' -> cv 3 ((Char.code n) land 0b111 )
(* 111110vv *) | '\248' .. '\251' -> cv 4 ((Char.code n) land 0b11 )
(* 1111110w *) | '\252' .. '\253' -> cv 5 ((Char.code n) land 0b1 )
(* 1111111X *) | '\254' .. '\255' -> raise (Failure "Bad stream")
(* code_into_string over-writes string s which must be 7-byte string.
* n-byte String ends with '\000' which is set as needed (in case you feed
* to a c-program). The last byte of a string contains the # of unused bytes
* then string. It is set here, for example, by "Bytes.unsafe_set s 6
* If the string is longer than 1 word (plus header) all hell breaks loose.
* Use only if the string is copied afterwards. (Buffer.add_string ... etc)
* DUBIOUS (and about twice as fast because allocation is not needed)
* js_of_ocaml might be unhappy with this...
let code_into_string s k =
let mask = 0b111111 in
if k < 0 || k >= 0x4000000 then begin
Bytes.unsafe_set s 0 (Char.chr (0xfc + (k lsr 30)));
Bytes.unsafe_set s 1 (Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor ((k lsr 24) land
Bytes.unsafe_set s 2 (Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor ((k lsr 18) land
Bytes.unsafe_set s 3 (Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor ((k lsr 12) land
Bytes.unsafe_set s 4 (Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor ((k lsr 6) land mask)));
Bytes.unsafe_set s 5 (Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor ( k land mask)));
Bytes.unsafe_set s 6 '\000'; (* string internals s/b
OK *)
Bytes.unsafe_set s 7 (Char.unsafe_chr 1 ); (* string internals
() end
else if k <= 0x7f then begin
Bytes.unsafe_set s 0 (Char.chr k);
Bytes.unsafe_set s 1 '\000';
Bytes.unsafe_set s 7 (Char.unsafe_chr 6 );
() end
else if k <= 0x7ff then begin
Bytes.unsafe_set s 0 (Char.unsafe_chr (0xc0 lor (k lsr 6)));
Bytes.unsafe_set s 1 (Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor (k land mask)));
Bytes.unsafe_set s 2 '\000';
Bytes.unsafe_set s 7 (Char.unsafe_chr 5 );
() end
else if k <= 0xffff then begin
Bytes.unsafe_set s 0 (Char.unsafe_chr (0xe0 lor (k lsr 12)));
Bytes.unsafe_set s 1 (Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor ((k lsr 6) land mask)));
Bytes.unsafe_set s 2 (Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor (k land mask)));
Bytes.unsafe_set s 3 '\000';
Bytes.unsafe_set s 7 (Char.unsafe_chr 4 );
() end
else if k <= 0x1fffff then begin
Bytes.unsafe_set s 0 (Char.unsafe_chr (0xf0 + (k lsr 18)));
Bytes.unsafe_set s 1 (Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor ((k lsr 12) land
Bytes.unsafe_set s 2 (Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor ((k lsr 6) land mask)));
Bytes.unsafe_set s 3 (Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor (k land mask)));
Bytes.unsafe_set s 4 '\000';
Bytes.unsafe_set s 7 (Char.unsafe_chr 3 );
() end
else begin
Bytes.unsafe_set s 0 (Char.unsafe_chr (0xf8 + (k lsr 24)));
Bytes.unsafe_set s 1 (Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor ((k lsr 18) land
Bytes.unsafe_set s 2 (Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor ((k lsr 12) land
Bytes.unsafe_set s 3 (Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor ((k lsr 6) land mask)));
Bytes.unsafe_set s 4 (Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor (k land mask)));
Bytes.unsafe_set s 5 '\000';
Bytes.unsafe_set s 7 (Char.unsafe_chr 2 );
() end
(* Automaton to map a (utf8) char Sequence.t into an int Sequence.t
Accept up to 6 characters, converting them to an integer to feed to k.
This code demonstrates that being at the receiving end of a sequence can
cause hardship ... It needs often a state-machine
... and perhaps a better name *)
let mapUtf8Char2Code (k: int -> unit) =
let rec next = ref first
and accu = ref 0
and first ch = match ch with
(* 0xxxxxxx *) | '\000' .. '\127' -> k (int_of_char ch); accu := 0
(* 110yyyyy *) | '\128' .. '\223' -> cv s1 ch 0b11111
(* 1110zzzz *) | '\224' .. '\239' -> cv s2 ch 0b1111
(* 11110uuu *) | '\240' .. '\247' -> cv s3 ch 0b111
(* 111110vv *) | '\248' .. '\251' -> cv s4 ch 0b11
(* 1111110w *) | '\252' .. '\253' -> cv s5 ch 0b1
(* 1111111X *) | '\254' .. '\255' -> raise (Failure "Bad stream")
and inline ch = accu := (!accu lsl 6) lor ((Char.code ch) land 0x7f )
and s1 ch = inline ch; next := first; k !accu
and s2 ch = inline ch; next := s1 and s3 ch = inline ch; next := s2
and s4 ch = inline ch; next := s3 and s5 ch = inline ch; next := s4
and cv startState initialValue mask =
next := startState;
accu := (Char.code initialValue) land mask
in (fun c -> !next c) ;;
let code_len k =
if k < 0 || k >= 0x4000000 then 6 else if k <= 0x7f then 1
else if k <= 0x7ff then 2 else if k <= 0xffff then 3
else if k <= 0x1fffff then 4 else 5
* various tests of above
(* measure.ml
* included to avoid dependency on some other (more capable) measuring tool
* *)
let measure fn arg (units:int) comment =
(* arg is last argument of fn (or unit not belonging to fn);
argument units is only used for ratio (units /. elapsed) *)
let start = Unix.gettimeofday() in
let res = fn arg in
let endt = Unix.gettimeofday() in let elapsed = endt -. start in
let open Printf in
printf"\n%s\n\tTime:%f Units:%i Units/sec:%s uSecs/Unit:%s\n%!"
(sprintf"Measured <<%s>>" comment)
elapsed units
( if units <= 1 then "N/A" else
sprintf"%8.0f" ((float_of_int units) /. elapsed ) )
( if units <= 1 then "N/A" else
sprintf"%2.8f" (elapsed /. (float_of_int units) *. 1000000.0 ) );
open Printf
module S = Sequence
module V = Vector
let code_to_string_test last = (*
code_to_string *)
for i = 0 to last do ignore (code_to_string i) done ;;
let code_into_string_test last = (*
code_into_string *)
let str = Bytes.create 6 in
for i = 0 to last do ignore (code_into_string str i) done ;;
let round_about2 last = (* code_to_string and
back *)
for i = 0 to last do
let str = code_to_string i in (* convert code point to char string *)
let j = string_to_code str in (* convert the char string back to code
assert( i = j)
let round_about3 last = (* code_into_string and
back *)
let len = ref 1 in
let str = Bytes.create 6 in
for i = 0 to last do
code_into_string str i; (* convert code point to char string *)
let j = string_to_code str in (* convert the char string back to code
assert( i = j);
if code_len i <> !len then (printf"New len at %x:%s\n" i str;
len := code_len i )
let make_big_string last = (* create a utf8 string of consecutive code
points *)
let buf = Buffer.create (16 * 1024 * 1024 ) in (* ocaml tolerates large *)
let str = Bytes.create 6 in
for i = 0 to last do
code_into_string str i;
Buffer.add_string buf str;
Buffer.contents buf
let make_big_string last = (* create a utf8 string of consecutive code
points *)
let buf = Buffer.create (16 * 1024 * 1024 ) in (* ocaml tolerates large *)
let str = Bytes.create 7 in
for i = 0 to last do
code_into_string str i;
Buffer.add_string buf str;
let b = Buffer.contents buf in
printf"\n\ncreated %i strings. \nfinal length: %i bytes. \
\nAvg len %f\n%!"
(String.length b)
((float_of_int (String.length b)) /. (float_of_int last));
let decode_big big = (* create a utf8 string; convert to int
S.t *)
let check = ref 0 in (* map char S.t to int S.t and test
result *)
(String.to_seq big)
(mapUtf8Char2Code (fun j -> assert (j = !check) ; incr check))
let last1 = 0x3ffffff;; (* 67_108_863 *)
let last2 = 0x7fffffff;; (* 1073_741_823 *)
let last = last2 (* last2 uses ALL code points and takes a while *)
(* Sample: Convert a utf8 char string to a Vector *)
let utf8_to_vector str = str |> gen_of_utf8 |> V.of_gen
let _ = printf "\"SKサイトリf\" |> utf8_to_vector \n\t |> Vector.to_seq |>
S.map code_to_string |> fun seq -> seq (printf\"%s\t\")\n!";;
"SKサイトリf" |> utf8_to_vector |> Vector.to_seq |> S.map code_to_string |>
fun seq -> seq (printf"%s\t");;
(* Test below does not work for last 2 because it allocates a to big string
let big = measure make_big_string last1 last1 "make_big_string";;
measure decode_big big last1 "decode_big";;
(* Here last2 encodes/decodes ALL possible code points *)
measure round_about2 last last "round_about2";;
measure round_about3 last last "round_about3";;
measure code_into_string_test last last "code_into_string";;
measure code_to_string_test last last "code_to_string";;
let _ = (* One can never have to many samples ... *)
printf"\n\n "; S.( 0 -- 15) (fun i -> printf" %2x" i);
S.( 0 -- 15)
(fun i -> printf"\n%4x " (i * 16 + 0x2500);
S.( (0x2500 + i * 16) -- (0x250F + i * 16))
|> S.map code_to_string
|> S.to_list |> String.concat " " |> print_string
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