[ocaml-infra] markdown in "pure" OCaml

Christophe TROESTLER Christophe.Troestler at umons.ac.be
Thu Aug 8 18:13:25 BST 2013

On Thu, 8 Aug 2013 14:14:08 +0200, Amir Chaudhry wrote:
> Christophe, is your example referring to things like the 99 problem 
> s page [1, 2], where there are problems posed and clicking a button 
>  reveals the solution.  I'm not clear why this would be relevant to 
>  the Markdown implementation as html in the markdown file should be 
>  fine.
> [1] page: http://ocaml.org/tutorials/99problems.html

The 99 problems page is what I was indeed thinking of.  Of course one 
 can always resort to HTML in case of need but I think that one shoul 
d take opportunity of the "port" of the page to Markdown to do someth 
ing better.  In particular, the text should be closer to the intended 
 semantics if possible, e.g., say


possibly with a line "@use Questions" at the beginning of the file if 
 it is deemed desirable to announce explicitly the active extensions  
for a given page.  I think such an extension mechanism is desirable¹⁻ 
²⁻³ because it uses the principle of least surprise (syntax wise): on 
ce you read the documentation of the markdown parser, you know what c 
onstructs refer to outside code.  Otherwise, one may always preproces 
s Markdown files (adding HTML) before passing them to the parser but  
several incompatible extensions may appear (I'll certainly develop on 
e for ocaml.org).

Note that such an extension mechanism may also solve the specificatio 
n of metadata at the beginning of the file (such as "@use template ma 

The possibility of adapting the output of standard elements would als 
o be desirable.  What if you want to add an anchor to each paragraph  
or add some JavaScript around each code block?

My 0.02€,

¹ https://pypi.python.org/pypi/markdown-macros
² http://kirbysayshi.com/2012/09/17/putting-macros-into-markdown.html
³ http://pythonhosted.org/Markdown/extensions/api.html

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