[opam-devel] printing detailed dependency analysis

Thomas Gazagnaire thomas at ocamlpro.com
Wed Mar 27 16:23:16 GMT 2013

> Hmmm... I tried the option, but unlike Ashish, I get an unreadable
> output with an extra-wide shallow forest with a lot of \N nodes... 
> (opam 0.9.5 here, maybe I am lagging behind) :-(

When you use the --cudf option, I'm outputinf a .cudf files for each solver invocation + a .dot file of the raw universe, limited to installed packages, using the dose API. So using 'ceve' on the cudf seems indeed a much better option that my quick hack.


> In the meanwhile, I used the ceve tool, that comes with
> dose: it is able to extract the dependency cone of a package from
> a Cudf file, and generate the dependeny graph.
> For example, after running
>  opam upgrade --cudf=foo
> one can type
>  ceve -c "cryptokit-sha512" -Tdot cudf://foo-1.cudf | dot -Tpng -o cryptokit-sha512.png
> to obtain the attached image.
> Notice that ceve has not been so extensively tested, and bug reports
> and bug fixes are welcome here https://gforge.inria.fr/projects/dose/
> --Roberto
> On Wed, Mar 27, 2013 at 03:50:09PM +0100, Thomas Gazagnaire wrote:
>> Remark: this is really just a hack, I agree it would be good to move that thing into a proper command later.
>> We've discussed about creating 'opam-check' which will do this kind of computations using opam-lib, but we've never really had the time to do this properly. As always, contributions are welcome as this is quite distinct from the core of OPAM (eg. the mechanics of installing/removing packages).
>> Thomas
>> On Mar 27, 2013, at 3:47 PM, Thomas Gazagnaire wrote:
>>> You can try:
>>> $ opam upgrade --cudf=foo ocamlfind
>>> hopefully this is just a no-op which produces foo.dot. Then:
>>> $ dot -Tpng foo.dot > foo.png
>>> This will build the graph of all available packages where the roots are the installed ones.
>>> --
>>> Thomas
>>> On Mar 27, 2013, at 3:31 PM, Ashish Agarwal wrote:
>>>> Is there any way to get a detailed print out of a package's dependency tree? I'm in a situation that is hard to debug.
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> Roberto Di Cosmo
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> GPG fingerprint 2931 20CE 3A5A 5390 98EC 8BFC FCCA C3BE 39CB 12D3                        
> <cryptokit-sha512.png>

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