[opam-devel] Apscud on osx < 10.9 (was Re: aspcud 1.9.0 packages on Archlinux)

Daniel Bünzli daniel.buenzli at erratique.ch
Thu Mar 27 12:01:08 GMT 2014

Ok so it seems that: 

* I do have some kind of version > 1.1.1, opam --git-version should be fixed, it's annoying to be blind.
* apscud doesn't work on 10.8.5 I always get the warning mentioned earlier and it falls back to the internal solver
* falling back to the internal solver has catastrophic consequences (it even wants to remove the base packages), the solutions are absurdly different from those proposed by a call without external solver.

`brew remove apscud` is my fix for now, I need some work to get done. 



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