[opam-devel] ows reports

Anil Madhavapeddy anil at recoil.org
Thu Oct 2 11:18:05 BST 2014

On 2 Oct 2014, at 11:02, Fabrice Le Fessant <Fabrice.Le_fessant at inria.fr> wrote:

> Note that you are touching a problem of the github workflow, the fact
> that the maintenance of the repository relies on a small set of
> volunteers, when in Debian, for example, every package is maintained
> by its own maintainer, who is responsible to fix the problems.

I do not believe this statement is accurate.  There have been a growing
number of volunteers without direct merge access who have been fixing bugs
based on bulk builds (most recently, Dave Scott, Damien Doligez and
Jeremy Yallop have all submitted a significant number of fixes).  The
number of triage tools is slowly growing, hence the interest in making
OWS as useful as possible, alongside bulk build logs.  Almost every
contributor of a package uses the Travis results to refine their pull
requests, which also devolves maintenance responsibilities to the

More broadly, we also direct problems back to package maintainers where
possible, and minimise the number of patches maintained directly in OPAM
as opposed to upstream integration. 


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