[ocaml-platform] on the need and design of OCaml namespaces

Leo White lpw25 at cam.ac.uk
Thu Feb 21 18:39:37 GMT 2013

>What would be the justification for hierarchical names?  It seems that a 
>flat qualifier is enough to support the two goals you mention (making 
>components with the same filename coexist, and grouping them with a 
>common name).  In practice, we will have a namespace per distributed 
>library (e.g. Core, Extlib, Xml-light, ...).  Restricting to flat 
>qualifiers might enable a simpler design.

Large libraries can also contain multiple components with the same name. 
For example, a library might provide both Foo.Aysc.IO and Foo.Lwt.IO.

I don't think having hierarchical namespaces really adds much additional 
complexity to the system.

More generally, almost all naming systems are hierarchical. It is a tried 
and tested way of organising things.

>Personally, I'm not even convinced of the need for supporting several 
>compilation units with the same filename.  Basically, we will encode 
>namespace information inside the .cmi instead of doing it in the 
>filename, forcing the compiler to open files only to discover they are 
>not in the correct namespace.  Is it really so tedious to use longer 

Is it really so tedious for the compiler to look in multiple .cmi files 
until the right one is found?

Long filenames don't allow you to open or alias a namespace, they also 
don't allow you to change the namespaces that are open by default. All of 
which are useful features.

I also think that long filenames *are* tedious, if they weren't people 
would use them already. If you are using a large library, even with a good 
aliasing feature, you would end up writing:

  open Core_Std_Mutex as Mutex
  open Core_Std_Thread as Thread
  open Core_Std_Date as Date

at the beginning of all your files, instead of writing:

  open Core.Std



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