[wg-camlp4] Request for feedback

Alain Frisch alain.frisch at lexifi.com
Thu Mar 7 16:55:14 GMT 2013

On 03/07/2013 05:23 PM, Gabriel Scherer wrote:
> I'm wondering how much I should trust them :p Have you actually tried
> to parse the most daring ones with your parser? If you have a
> testsuite, it may be interesting to add them to it.

Yes, I've tried most of them.  Most of them work. A few number are 
rejected, but only because more work is needed on the parser (e.g. 
for[@id] is not yet supported, even though it would have taken less time 
to add support than to write this sentence; and class expressions do not 
yet support extension nodes).

> While I admire the cleverness of using the fact that attributes are
> OCaml syntax to get the "quotation" use cases for free, it also gives
> me mixed feelings:
> - I'm not sure how robust it is to future design changes

It is true that there could be some discontinuity: at some point, you 
can shoehorn your "DSL" in the syntax of OCaml expressions, but when you 
extend it, you might not find a nice way to continue doing so and you 
might be forced to switch to a very different embedding.  I don't 
believe that this will be a serious problem in practice, in particular 
because one can always use an extension node with a string literal 
content  in order to use custom concrete syntax locally in most 
syntactic categories (or directly a string if the category accept it, 
i.e. expressions and patterns).  As an example, let's have a look at the 
bitstring example:

let bits = Bitstring.bitstring_of_file "/bin/ls" in
[%bit match bits with
| [ 0x7f, 8; "ELF", 24, string;  (* ELF magic number *)
     e_ident, Mul(12,8), bitstring;    (* ELF identifier *)
     e_type, 16, littleendian;    (* object file type *)
     e_machine, 16, littleendian  (* architecture *)
   ] ->
   printf "This is an ELF binary, type %d, arch %d\n"
     e_type e_machine

One can imagine that in an early version, the size field could only be 
specified as an int literal.  When the author decides to let his users 
write "12*8", he can decide between:

  - Creating some "DSL" to describe those formulas, with a syntax 
compatible with patterns, as I did in the example above (Mul(12, 8))

   e_ident, Mul(12,8), bitstring;    (* ELF identifier *)

  - Using a string to represent the formula (but then one must create a 
new parser... or call the OCaml parser!):

   e_ident, "12 * 8", bitstring;

  - Using an extension node to allow injecting an expression without 
requiring a parser:

   e_ident, [%sz 12 * 8], bitstring;

   (Here we don't care about the "id" of the extension node.  It is 
worth creating a syntax for name-less extension nodes?)

> - For multi-line quotations, I would appreciate a slightly more
> explicit syntax (possibly the symmetric delimiter to help users see
> where the quotation end).

Do you mean:

[%bit ... %bit]
[%bit ... bit%]
[%bit ... %]

or something else?

Note than one can also write:


The only difference is that if we compile without the "bitstring 
expander", we will probably get a type-error which might be a little 
harder to understand.  I was thinking about supporting:


as an equivalent to:

[%bit ....]

but this would be ambiguous (function appliction with [%bit] in function 


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