[containers-users] [poll] use more labels?

Malcolm Matalka mmatalka at gmail.com
Sun Sep 20 22:05:05 BST 2015

Simon Cruanes <simon.cruanes.2007 at m4x.org> writes:

> Hello,
> Some users want functions to have labels when it makes sense (à la
> Core), and I kind of like the idea in many cases (especially to label
> functions with ~f).
> Apparently, a function declared with labels can be called without them
> if arguments are in the right order (at the possible price of a
> warning). That means that it should be possible to add labels in many
> modules *without* breaking compatibility.
> What do you think? Are there strong oppositions to this idea?
> The next release of containers is approaching (in a few weeks max, I
> think), but this can wait if there is no consensus.
> Cheers!

As one of those users, I support this.  However, a few specifics to
consider.  After some more testing it looks like it would break
backwards compatibility in some ways.  Specifically:

 # let f ~x ~y = x + y;;
 val f : x:int -> y:int -> int = <fun>
 utop # f 2;;
 Error: The function applied to this argument has type x:int -> y:int ->
 This argument cannot be applied without label

This is obviously problematic if anyone is partially applying.

The other issue is that there should be some convention for what should
get a label and what shouldn't.  Specifically to handle this case:

utop # f ~x:2 3;;
Error: The function applied to this argument has type y:int -> int
This argument cannot be applied without label

This matters because I often structure code like:

list |> List.filter ~f:filter |> List.map ~f:map ....

The convention I have been following in my code is that the 't' that the
modules operates on is never labeled.

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