[containers-users] [Caml-list] [ANN] release of containers-1.0

Bikal Gurung gbikal at gmail.com
Sun Feb 12 11:58:57 GMT 2017

Congratulations on 1.0 release. This is one of my 'goto' ocaml libraries.


On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 at 23:04, Simon Cruanes <simon.cruanes.2007 at m4x.org>

> Dear all,
> It is my great pleasure to announce the release of Containers 1.0, after
> almost four years of development. Containers is a modular, clean and
> powerful extension of the OCaml standard library, under the permissive
> BSD license.
> It is designed to be efficient, light on link-time dependencies, and to
> complement the existing modules rather than replacing them.
> The core library has no dependency on unix and should be usable
> everywhere. Every module is independent and is prefixed with 'CC' in
> the global namespace.  Alternatively, `open Containers` will bring
> enhanced versions of the standard modules into scope, along with a few
> modules that should exist, such as Option, IO or Int.
> Containers now requires OCaml >= 4.01.
> Containers also features sub-libraries for helping with threads,
> S-expressions, and some unix utilities to invoke sub-processes.
> I jump on the opportunity to thank the various users and contributors
> that helped improving the code, kept asking for better solutions, and
> reported bugs.
> Cheers!
> github page: https://github.com/c-cube/ocaml-containers
> documentation: http://c-cube.github.io/ocaml-containers/1.0/
> overview of 1.0: https://github.com/c-cube/ocaml-containers/issues/84
> --
> Simon Cruanes
> http://weusepgp.info/
> key 49AA62B6, fingerprint 949F EB87 8F06 59C6 D7D3  7D8D 4AC0 1D08 49AA
> 62B6
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