[containers-users] Possible additions to Containers and Friends
Simon Cruanes
simon.cruanes.2007 at m4x.org
Sat Feb 10 19:53:52 GMT 2018
Hi Peter,
Thanks for the suggestions. I'm no expert in unicode, but I do agree
that such basic functionalities should be more easily available.
Maybe a `Ustring` module in containers would make sense (as a private
alias to `string`); most functionalities below would fit there, I think.
Would you consider opening PRs against gen, sequence, and containers
repositories so we can discuss that without spamming the list? I can
help if needed, or do it myself.
I'm interested in tests too, but will probably write some (possibly
using Uutf as a reference); some of the tests you wrote below I can
retrofit in the qtest mechanism.
Le Sat, 10 Feb 2018, peter frey wrote:
> (*
> Reading recent posts on discuss.ocal.org gives me the impression that some
> tiny
> number of utf related routines should be more easily available.
> Container's Sequence.t and Gen.t, in particular could benefit from a couple
> of
> simple routines. The code below fits well into that frame work.
> I am treating it as public domain code but feel free to make it your own and
> to
> include it where appropriate. (Perhaps some of the tests could go into the
> example directory...)
> The routines here DO NOT verify unless its unavoidable. In particular they
> accept ALL code points that can be encoded by the original Utf8 definition.
> It is only a matter of language; we could call it utf31 ...
> Restricting the range is trivial; as would be including some verification
> code.
> *)
> open Containers
> (* Create a generator from a utf8-string. Each call produces a code point.
> * The optional parameter srcIdx specifies then start point in the string.
> * srcIdx must point to a valid suffix of a utf8 string.
> * *)
> let gen_of_utf8 ?(srcIdx=ref 0) str =
> let lim = String.length str in
> let assemble_next () = (* we come here only for multi-byte
> characters *)
> let cv jmax accu = (* utf8 character length; construction of
> uchar *)
> let rec cv' j accu' = (* inner loop j = 1..jmax ; each
> uchar *)
> let ch = Char.code str.[ !srcIdx + j] in
> let next = ( (accu' lsl 6) lor ( ch land 0x7f )) in
> if j = jmax then begin (* except for 1st, each char gives 6
> bits*)
> srcIdx := !srcIdx + j +1; Some next (* +1 for 1st
> char *)
> end else cv' (succ j) next
> in cv' 1 (* 1st char is already proccessed! *) accu
> in if !srcIdx >= lim then None else
> let n = str.[ !srcIdx ] in match n with
> (* 0xxxxxxx *) | '\000' .. '\127' -> incr srcIdx; Some (int_of_char n)
> (* 110yyyyy *) | '\128' .. '\223' -> cv 1 ((Char.code n) land 0b11111 )
> (* 1110zzzz *) | '\224' .. '\239' -> cv 2 ((Char.code n) land 0b1111 )
> (* 11110uuu *) | '\240' .. '\247' -> cv 3 ((Char.code n) land 0b111 )
> (* 111110vv *) | '\248' .. '\251' -> cv 4 ((Char.code n) land 0b11 )
> (* 1111110w *) | '\252' .. '\253' -> cv 5 ((Char.code n) land 0b1 )
> (* 1111111X *) | '\254' .. '\255' -> raise (Failure "Bad stream")
> in assemble_next;;
> (* The 'natural' stream representation of a utf-string is a generator.
> * But Sequences are not far away ... *)
> let makeUtf8Seq ?(srcIdx=ref 0) str = Sequence.of_gen (gen_of_utf8 ~srcIdx
> str)
> (* Convert a code point to a string; Hopefully some day this will be in the
> * standard library. There are various equally trivial versions of this
> around.
> * The returned string is created (allocated) fresh for each k.
> * *)
> let code_to_string k =
> let mask = 0b111111 in
> if k < 0 || k >= 0x4000000 then begin
> let s = Bytes.create 6 in
> Bytes.unsafe_set s 0 (Char.chr (0xfc + (k lsr 30)));
> Bytes.unsafe_set s 1 (Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor ((k lsr 24) land
> mask)));
> Bytes.unsafe_set s 2 (Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor ((k lsr 18) land
> mask)));
> Bytes.unsafe_set s 3 (Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor ((k lsr 12) land
> mask)));
> Bytes.unsafe_set s 4 (Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor ((k lsr 6) land mask)));
> Bytes.unsafe_set s 5 (Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor (k land mask)));
> s end
> else if k <= 0x7f then
> Bytes.make 1 (Char.unsafe_chr k)
> else if k <= 0x7ff then begin
> let s = Bytes.create 2 in
> Bytes.unsafe_set s 0 (Char.unsafe_chr (0xc0 lor (k lsr 6)));
> Bytes.unsafe_set s 1 (Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor (k land mask)));
> s end
> else if k <= 0xffff then begin
> let s = Bytes.create 3 in
> Bytes.unsafe_set s 0 (Char.unsafe_chr (0xe0 lor (k lsr 12)));
> Bytes.unsafe_set s 1 (Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor ((k lsr 6) land mask)));
> Bytes.unsafe_set s 2 (Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor (k land mask)));
> s end
> else if k <= 0x1fffff then begin
> let s = Bytes.create 4 in
> Bytes.unsafe_set s 0 (Char.unsafe_chr (0xf0 + (k lsr 18)));
> Bytes.unsafe_set s 1 (Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor ((k lsr 12) land
> mask)));
> Bytes.unsafe_set s 2 (Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor ((k lsr 6) land mask)));
> Bytes.unsafe_set s 3 (Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor (k land mask)));
> s end
> else begin
> let s = Bytes.create 5 in
> Bytes.unsafe_set s 0 (Char.unsafe_chr (0xf8 + (k lsr 24)));
> Bytes.unsafe_set s 1 (Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor ((k lsr 18) land
> mask)));
> Bytes.unsafe_set s 2 (Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor ((k lsr 12) land
> mask)));
> Bytes.unsafe_set s 3 (Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor ((k lsr 6) land mask)));
> Bytes.unsafe_set s 4 (Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor (k land mask)));
> s end
> let string_to_code str =
> let cv jmax accu = (* utf8 character length; construction of uchar
> *)
> if jmax > String.length str then raise (Failure "string_to_code")
> else let rec cv' j accu' = (* inner loop j = 1..jmax ; each uchar
> *)
> let ch = Char.code (String.unsafe_get str j) in
> let next = ( (accu' lsl 6) lor ( ch land 0x7f )) in
> if j = jmax then next else cv' (succ j) next
> in cv' 1 (* 1st char is already proccessed! *) accu
> in let n = str.[0] in match n with
> (* 0xxxxxxx *) | '\000' .. '\127' -> int_of_char n
> (* 110yyyyy *) | '\128' .. '\223' -> cv 1 ((Char.code n) land 0b11111 )
> (* 1110zzzz *) | '\224' .. '\239' -> cv 2 ((Char.code n) land 0b1111 )
> (* 11110uuu *) | '\240' .. '\247' -> cv 3 ((Char.code n) land 0b111 )
> (* 111110vv *) | '\248' .. '\251' -> cv 4 ((Char.code n) land 0b11 )
> (* 1111110w *) | '\252' .. '\253' -> cv 5 ((Char.code n) land 0b1 )
> (* 1111111X *) | '\254' .. '\255' -> raise (Failure "Bad stream")
> (* code_into_string over-writes string s which must be 7-byte string.
> * n-byte String ends with '\000' which is set as needed (in case you feed
> it
> * to a c-program). The last byte of a string contains the # of unused bytes
> in
> * then string. It is set here, for example, by "Bytes.unsafe_set s 6
> '\000'"
> * If the string is longer than 1 word (plus header) all hell breaks loose.
> * Use only if the string is copied afterwards. (Buffer.add_string ... etc)
> * DUBIOUS (and about twice as fast because allocation is not needed)
> * js_of_ocaml might be unhappy with this...
> *)
> let code_into_string s k =
> let mask = 0b111111 in
> if k < 0 || k >= 0x4000000 then begin
> Bytes.unsafe_set s 0 (Char.chr (0xfc + (k lsr 30)));
> Bytes.unsafe_set s 1 (Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor ((k lsr 24) land
> mask)));
> Bytes.unsafe_set s 2 (Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor ((k lsr 18) land
> mask)));
> Bytes.unsafe_set s 3 (Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor ((k lsr 12) land
> mask)));
> Bytes.unsafe_set s 4 (Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor ((k lsr 6) land mask)));
> Bytes.unsafe_set s 5 (Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor ( k land mask)));
> Bytes.unsafe_set s 6 '\000'; (* string internals s/b
> OK *)
> Bytes.unsafe_set s 7 (Char.unsafe_chr 1 ); (* string internals
> () end
> else if k <= 0x7f then begin
> Bytes.unsafe_set s 0 (Char.chr k);
> Bytes.unsafe_set s 1 '\000';
> Bytes.unsafe_set s 7 (Char.unsafe_chr 6 );
> () end
> else if k <= 0x7ff then begin
> Bytes.unsafe_set s 0 (Char.unsafe_chr (0xc0 lor (k lsr 6)));
> Bytes.unsafe_set s 1 (Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor (k land mask)));
> Bytes.unsafe_set s 2 '\000';
> Bytes.unsafe_set s 7 (Char.unsafe_chr 5 );
> () end
> else if k <= 0xffff then begin
> Bytes.unsafe_set s 0 (Char.unsafe_chr (0xe0 lor (k lsr 12)));
> Bytes.unsafe_set s 1 (Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor ((k lsr 6) land mask)));
> Bytes.unsafe_set s 2 (Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor (k land mask)));
> Bytes.unsafe_set s 3 '\000';
> Bytes.unsafe_set s 7 (Char.unsafe_chr 4 );
> () end
> else if k <= 0x1fffff then begin
> Bytes.unsafe_set s 0 (Char.unsafe_chr (0xf0 + (k lsr 18)));
> Bytes.unsafe_set s 1 (Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor ((k lsr 12) land
> mask)));
> Bytes.unsafe_set s 2 (Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor ((k lsr 6) land mask)));
> Bytes.unsafe_set s 3 (Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor (k land mask)));
> Bytes.unsafe_set s 4 '\000';
> Bytes.unsafe_set s 7 (Char.unsafe_chr 3 );
> () end
> else begin
> Bytes.unsafe_set s 0 (Char.unsafe_chr (0xf8 + (k lsr 24)));
> Bytes.unsafe_set s 1 (Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor ((k lsr 18) land
> mask)));
> Bytes.unsafe_set s 2 (Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor ((k lsr 12) land
> mask)));
> Bytes.unsafe_set s 3 (Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor ((k lsr 6) land mask)));
> Bytes.unsafe_set s 4 (Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor (k land mask)));
> Bytes.unsafe_set s 5 '\000';
> Bytes.unsafe_set s 7 (Char.unsafe_chr 2 );
> () end
> (* Automaton to map a (utf8) char Sequence.t into an int Sequence.t
> Accept up to 6 characters, converting them to an integer to feed to k.
> This code demonstrates that being at the receiving end of a sequence can
> cause hardship ... It needs often a state-machine
> ... and perhaps a better name *)
> let mapUtf8Char2Code (k: int -> unit) =
> let rec next = ref first
> and accu = ref 0
> and first ch = match ch with
> (* 0xxxxxxx *) | '\000' .. '\127' -> k (int_of_char ch); accu := 0
> (* 110yyyyy *) | '\128' .. '\223' -> cv s1 ch 0b11111
> (* 1110zzzz *) | '\224' .. '\239' -> cv s2 ch 0b1111
> (* 11110uuu *) | '\240' .. '\247' -> cv s3 ch 0b111
> (* 111110vv *) | '\248' .. '\251' -> cv s4 ch 0b11
> (* 1111110w *) | '\252' .. '\253' -> cv s5 ch 0b1
> (* 1111111X *) | '\254' .. '\255' -> raise (Failure "Bad stream")
> and inline ch = accu := (!accu lsl 6) lor ((Char.code ch) land 0x7f )
> and s1 ch = inline ch; next := first; k !accu
> and s2 ch = inline ch; next := s1 and s3 ch = inline ch; next := s2
> and s4 ch = inline ch; next := s3 and s5 ch = inline ch; next := s4
> and cv startState initialValue mask =
> next := startState;
> accu := (Char.code initialValue) land mask
> in (fun c -> !next c) ;;
> let code_len k =
> if k < 0 || k >= 0x4000000 then 6 else if k <= 0x7f then 1
> else if k <= 0x7ff then 2 else if k <= 0xffff then 3
> else if k <= 0x1fffff then 4 else 5
> (*
> (*
> ===========================================================================
> * various tests of above
> *)
> (* measure.ml
> * included to avoid dependency on some other (more capable) measuring tool
> * *)
> let measure fn arg (units:int) comment =
> (* arg is last argument of fn (or unit not belonging to fn);
> argument units is only used for ratio (units /. elapsed) *)
> let start = Unix.gettimeofday() in
> let res = fn arg in
> let endt = Unix.gettimeofday() in let elapsed = endt -. start in
> let open Printf in
> printf"\n%s\n\tTime:%f Units:%i Units/sec:%s uSecs/Unit:%s\n%!"
> (sprintf"Measured <<%s>>" comment)
> elapsed units
> ( if units <= 1 then "N/A" else
> sprintf"%8.0f" ((float_of_int units) /. elapsed ) )
> ( if units <= 1 then "N/A" else
> sprintf"%2.8f" (elapsed /. (float_of_int units) *. 1000000.0 ) );
> res
> open Printf
> module S = Sequence
> module V = Vector
> let code_to_string_test last = (*
> code_to_string *)
> for i = 0 to last do ignore (code_to_string i) done ;;
> let code_into_string_test last = (*
> code_into_string *)
> let str = Bytes.create 6 in
> for i = 0 to last do ignore (code_into_string str i) done ;;
> let round_about2 last = (* code_to_string and
> back *)
> for i = 0 to last do
> let str = code_to_string i in (* convert code point to char string *)
> let j = string_to_code str in (* convert the char string back to code
> *)
> assert( i = j)
> done
> let round_about3 last = (* code_into_string and
> back *)
> let len = ref 1 in
> let str = Bytes.create 6 in
> for i = 0 to last do
> code_into_string str i; (* convert code point to char string *)
> let j = string_to_code str in (* convert the char string back to code
> *)
> assert( i = j);
> if code_len i <> !len then (printf"New len at %x:%s\n" i str;
> len := code_len i )
> done
> let make_big_string last = (* create a utf8 string of consecutive code
> points *)
> let buf = Buffer.create (16 * 1024 * 1024 ) in (* ocaml tolerates large *)
> let str = Bytes.create 6 in
> for i = 0 to last do
> code_into_string str i;
> Buffer.add_string buf str;
> done;
> Buffer.contents buf
> ;;
> let make_big_string last = (* create a utf8 string of consecutive code
> points *)
> let buf = Buffer.create (16 * 1024 * 1024 ) in (* ocaml tolerates large *)
> let str = Bytes.create 7 in
> for i = 0 to last do
> code_into_string str i;
> Buffer.add_string buf str;
> done;
> let b = Buffer.contents buf in
> printf"\n\ncreated %i strings. \nfinal length: %i bytes. \
> \nAvg len %f\n%!"
> last
> (String.length b)
> ((float_of_int (String.length b)) /. (float_of_int last));
> b
> let decode_big big = (* create a utf8 string; convert to int
> S.t *)
> let check = ref 0 in (* map char S.t to int S.t and test
> result *)
> (String.to_seq big)
> (mapUtf8Char2Code (fun j -> assert (j = !check) ; incr check))
> let last1 = 0x3ffffff;; (* 67_108_863 *)
> let last2 = 0x7fffffff;; (* 1073_741_823 *)
> let last = last2 (* last2 uses ALL code points and takes a while *)
> (* Sample: Convert a utf8 char string to a Vector *)
> let utf8_to_vector str = str |> gen_of_utf8 |> V.of_gen
> let _ = printf "\"SKサイトリf\" |> utf8_to_vector \n\t |> Vector.to_seq |>
> S.map code_to_string |> fun seq -> seq (printf\"%s\t\")\n!";;
> "SKサイトリf" |> utf8_to_vector |> Vector.to_seq |> S.map code_to_string |>
> fun seq -> seq (printf"%s\t");;
> (* Test below does not work for last 2 because it allocates a to big string
> *)
> let big = measure make_big_string last1 last1 "make_big_string";;
> measure decode_big big last1 "decode_big";;
> (* Here last2 encodes/decodes ALL possible code points *)
> measure round_about2 last last "round_about2";;
> measure round_about3 last last "round_about3";;
> measure code_into_string_test last last "code_into_string";;
> measure code_to_string_test last last "code_to_string";;
> let _ = (* One can never have to many samples ... *)
> printf"\n\n "; S.( 0 -- 15) (fun i -> printf" %2x" i);
> S.( 0 -- 15)
> (fun i -> printf"\n%4x " (i * 16 + 0x2500);
> S.( (0x2500 + i * 16) -- (0x250F + i * 16))
> |> S.map code_to_string
> |> S.to_list |> String.concat " " |> print_string
> );;
> *)
Simon Cruanes
key 49AA62B6, fingerprint 949F EB87 8F06 59C6 D7D3 7D8D 4AC0 1D08 49AA 62B6
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