[ocaml-ctypes] calbacks

john skaller skaller at internode.on.net
Fri Dec 29 00:32:20 GMT 2017

FWIW here’s what I do for callbacks.  Its a bit waffly! 
The code that does it is actually written in Ocaml but it is
generating C++ text. 

The situation is different because my system Felix is a C++ code generator 
so the compiler can translate Felix code to C++ without worrying about any additional
compilation step(s). Indeed, Felix is designed as a C++ upgrade,
meaning to throw out the bad syntax, introduce a good type system,
but *preserve* ABI compatibility and make writing bindings 
for C and C++ trivial.

First, normally a function binding is roughly like:

	fun myfun : A * B * C * D -> R = “Cfunction($1,$2,$3,$4)”;

but this:

	callback fun myfun_t: A * B * myfun_t * D -> R;

is actually a *type* definition. The type defined is roughly

	typedef myfun_t = A * B * CLIENT * D —> R

Here, I wrote —> with two dashes, which means a C function type in
Felix whereas -> is a Felix function type. A Felix function is a C++
class with an apply() method that accepts an argument of the type
of the function argument.  The context is bound into the class
object by the C++ constructor. Where I wrote CLIENT above, it means
a C void*. When the compiler sees the above it generates a wrapper
function that looks roughly like this:

	R myfun_t W_myfun_t (A a, B b, myfun_t *CLOSURE, D d) {
		return CLOSURE->apply(a,b,d);

I left out a lot of messy casts. But we’re not finished. When we call a
C HOF it will have a signature like this:

	typedef void (*hof) (X, Y, C_myfun_t func, void *client_data, Z);

where C_myfun_t is the C type of the callback, and the void pointer
client data is the associated data pointer. When the programmer
declares that the Felix type should be

	X * Y * myfun_t * Z ->  void

so we leave out the function type entirely, and use the Felix function
type in place of the client data pointer,
and we need a second wrapper now, one that picks up the myfun_t, which
in Felix is a pointer to the C++ class object of the function type,
and passes it for the callbacks specified CLIENT data pointer,
and passes W_myfun_t, an actual C function pointer, as the function.

The wrapper function is invariant, it is the same for ALL callbacks
of the same type, and the type of the closure is also invariant,
its the same for all Felix functions of the same type.

So: to make this work in Felix I have to translate a special kind of type
and I have to translate a HOF accepting a callback into some C
type definitions AND two wrapper function: actually one
wrapper for each callback type, and, one wrapper for each

So what can Ctypes do? It can do exactly the same thing.

You need a value of a special type say 

	‘a callback

to use in the callback function type signature that indicates
where the client data pointer lives in the signature:

	A @-> B @-> clientdata @->D @-> returning R

in the foreign function. This is all you need to know to
generate a wrapper for the callback. You do not have to actually
generate C code to be compiled if you can manipulate the
Ocaml data type representation well enough from Ocaml
in your interpreter, as long as it “does” the right thing somehow,
what you’re actually generating is an Ocaml function which
translates another Ocaml function. The mind boggles,
it was easier for me, because I could just print the
required C++ code into the Felix compiler output.
But you must be able to do it without doing that because,
Ctypes is *already* doing it.

Having done that, you have to organise that a HOF binding
in Ocaml accepting an Ocaml function of the correct type 
actually calls the code for a binding that accepted a C function
and also a void *, passing the wrapper as above and the
actual closure pointer as the client data.

So I think you can do all this without generating any C at all,
since you can already translate Ctypes values representing
types and functions into C functions and C function calls.
That’s what you’d be doing here, except you have to do the
extra work in your Ocaml interpreter of the Ctypes to munge
things around a bit. I could be wrong you *might* need to
generate some C that requires compilation.

And it *might* be useful to generate that C as a first attempt,
to avoid getting caught in a mental meta-recursive knot.
I found it really hard to think about when I was doing it
for Felix, it took weeks to get right.

john skaller
skaller at users.sourceforge.net

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