[ocaml-infra] markdown in "pure" OCaml: testing phase

Philippe Wang philippe.wang at cl.cam.ac.uk
Thu Aug 15 21:17:25 BST 2013

Hi all,

some news for omd:

- omd has suffered from having to pass a lot of tests… oh wait, no, omd is fine, I'm the one who's suffered. Well, omd works much better now.
- I think all core features work fine (as always, it still needs more testing)
- thanks to Christophe, omd can be built using oasis and it should be in opam soon (using oasis2opam)
- if you don't have oasis installed, it's not a problem, there is a Makefile in src/ to build omd without oasis (well, it needs you to have ocamlopt.opt or ocamlc.opt, if you don't, install them or edit the Makefile and remove the .opt suffix)

If you have some time, please try omd on your markdown files and send me bug reports if any.


On Aug 8, 2013, at 19:10 PM, Philippe Wang <philippe.wang at cl.cam.ac.uk> wrote:

> Sorry I forgot to put a reminder of the link to omd :
> https://github.com/pw374/omd
> I should seize the opportunity to say that one simple way to try it would be:
> git clone https://github.com/pw374/omd
> cd omd/src
> make
> ./omd 
> enter some markdown
> ^D
> On 8 Aug 2013, at 19:07, Philippe Wang <philippe.wang at cl.cam.ac.uk> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> unless I have forgotten some features, I think I have just finished implementing a whole Markdown to HTML converter, with original specs [1] in mind.
>> Well, actually, some paragraph features are still missing (and it's intentional), such as paragraphs in lists… (for the moment I really don't care about this particular trait of markdown).
>> I have done very little testing on omd, so it might still have plenty of bugs, so I'm starting a testing phase now. So, very soon I shall make a release :-)
>> If you want to try it out, your feedbacks will be welcome. Note that for the moment, the binary doesn't parse its arguments, so it's all about stdin and stdout.
>> Best,
>> Philippe
>> N.B. I'll probably add a table of contents extension, eventually.
>> [1] http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax

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