[ocaml-infra] Github down again

Anil Madhavapeddy anil at recoil.org
Fri Nov 1 08:35:33 GMT 2013

I'm a little confused -- the intention behind git.ocaml.org is to act
as a mirror for major OCaml repositories, so putting a dependency on Forge
doesn't seem right.  What's the goal of the scripts you are talking about

I'm thinking that we simply specify a list of Git URLs somewhere, and
they are picked up by git.ocaml.org to publish as a mirror.  That could
include a list exported by the Forge of its projects (that use Git), as
well as others on GitHub.


On 31 Oct 2013, at 13:21, Sylvain Le Gall <sylvain+ocaml at le-gall.net> wrote:

> I think the best place to have this kind of mirror is in Forge (but I
> think you agree if I understand you correctly).
> Proposal:
> - create a forge.ocamlcore.org project called "github-mirror"
> - have a main git repository (in github or in the forge) that contains
> a file "github-url-to-mirror"
> In a cronjob on ssh.ocamlcore.org:
> - checkout the main git repository
> - loop over the entries of github-url-to-mirror and check them out in
> /home/group/github-mirror/gitroot/
> For the nice GitLab interface, contact me so that we can install the
> required DB and ruby packages. However you'll probably have to install
> gitlab by yourself, except if you know where I can find a debian
> package for it, and point it to /home/group/github-mirror/gitroot...
> User signup -> agree that it should be disabled.
> Does it make sense ?
> Regards
> Sylvain
> 2013/10/31 Anil Madhavapeddy <anil at recoil.org>:
>> I took a quick shot a trying out GitLab to act as a mirror.  This is *very* experimental, but here's what it looks like on git.ocaml.org:
>> http://git.ocaml.org/ocaml-compiler/ocaml/commits/master
>> (I didn't set this up on a staging domain due to the pain of reconfiguration).
>> There's only one project on there at a moment: a static checkout of the OCaml Git mirror, but I can script up a proper GitHub/Forge mirror quite easily from this.  I'm inclined to disable user signups for this and make it a pure mirror, though.
>> -anil
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