[ocaml-infra] Adopting a Governance framework for OCaml.org
Sylvain Le Gall
sylvain+ocaml at le-gall.net
Sun Sep 13 16:53:06 BST 2015
+to all
I agree to adopt this governance document.
Le ven. 28 août 2015 à 10:12, Amir Chaudhry <amc79 at cam.ac.uk> a écrit :
> Dear all,
> Earlier this year, I began working towards a governance framework for the
> OCaml.org domain and the projects that make use of it. I wrote about my
> approach to this and mentioned that such a framework should:
> - demonstrate a commitment to a stable decision-making process.
> - be clear about scope (i.e. OCaml.org).
> - document current reality, rather than being aspirational.
> - be a living document, meaning that it can and should evolve.
> Please read the original post for detail on the above points.
> http://amirchaudhry.com/towards-governance-framework-for-ocamlorg/
> Since that time, I've drafted a governance document and discussed it with
> those who already run projects under OCaml.org. We've reached a point
> where we're ready to discuss this more widely and more formally adopt the
> model.
> Starting from today, we're sharing the document publicly and inviting any
> discussion on this mailing list (infrastructure at lists.ocaml.org). During
> this time, I'll also be asking the existing maintainers to ratify the
> document.
> By the 14th of September we'll wrap things up (for this time around) and
> publish version 1.0 of the agreed document on OCaml.org
> You can find a draft linked below and the step-by-step process we're
> following. Please do share your thoughts on this thread.
> Document: https://gist.github.com/amirmc/fe8a931c246bb13d9b32
> -- The process for adopting the governance framework --
> 0. I draft and discuss a governance document with existing project
> maintainers and reach agreement. (DONE).
> 1. I send an email update to the infra list and caml-list, with a link to
> a public version of the doc.
> 2. We allow a period of public discussion on the infra list.
> 3. During this, I explicitly ask Maintainers and Owner to confirm they
> will adopt the doc.
> 4. In parallel, I create an issue on the ocaml.org repo with a list of
> people to check off as agreements come in -- important that the responses
> happen on the mailing list as that's properly archived.
> 5. Once all the affirmations are in, I push the doc to the ocaml.org
> site.
> Best wishes,
> Amir
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