[ocaml-infra] Adopting a Governance framework for OCaml.org

Christophe Troestler Christophe.Troestler at umons.ac.be
Mon Sep 14 18:18:23 BST 2015


I agree to adopting this governance document.


On Fri, 11 Sep 2015 11:46:45 +0100, Amir Chaudhry wrote:
> Dear all,
> This is just a reminder that this process is still ongoing.  
> The following people are currently involved with the domain itself or Projects that make use of it.  For each of the people in the list, do you agree to adopt the governance document?
> - Ashish Agarwal
> - Amir Chaudhry
> - Thomas Gazagnaire
> - Louis Gesbert
> - Sylvain Le Gall
> - Thomas Leonard
> - Xavier Leroy
> - Anil Madhavapeddy
> - David Sheets
> - Christophe Troestler
> - Philippe Wang
> I've made an issue on the www.ocaml.org repository [1] to track the responses. A reminder of where we are in the process is below.
> -- The process for adopting the governance framework --
> 0. I draft and discuss a governance document with existing project maintainers and reach agreement. (DONE).
> 1.  I send an email update to the infra list and caml-list, with a link to a public version of the doc. (DONE)
> 2.  We allow a period of public discussion on the infra list. (IN PROGRESS)
> 3.  During this, I explicitly ask Maintainers and Owner to confirm they will adopt the doc. (IN PROGRESS)
> 4.  In parallel, I create an issue on the ocaml.org repo with a list of people to check off as agreements come in -- important that the responses happen on the mailing list as that's properly archived. (IN PROGRESS)
> 5.  Once all the affirmations are in, I push the doc to the ocaml.org site.
> [1] https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml.org/issues/700
> Best wishes,
> Amir
> > On 28 Aug 2015, at 15:12, Amir Chaudhry <amc79 at cam.ac.uk> wrote:
> > 
> > Dear all,
> > 
> > Earlier this year, I began working towards a governance framework for the OCaml.org domain and the projects that make use of it. I wrote about my approach to this and mentioned that such a framework should:
> > - demonstrate a commitment to a stable decision-making process.
> > - be clear about scope (i.e. OCaml.org).
> > - document current reality, rather than being aspirational.
> > - be a living document, meaning that it can and should evolve.
> > 
> > Please read the original post for detail on the above points.
> > http://amirchaudhry.com/towards-governance-framework-for-ocamlorg/
> > 
> > Since that time, I've drafted a governance document and discussed it with those who already run projects under OCaml.org.  We've reached a point where we're ready to discuss this more widely and more formally adopt the model.
> > 
> > Starting from today, we're sharing the document publicly and inviting any discussion on this mailing list (infrastructure at lists.ocaml.org).  During this time, I'll also be asking the existing maintainers to ratify the document.
> > 
> > By the 14th of September we'll wrap things up (for this time around) and publish version 1.0 of the agreed document on OCaml.org
> > 
> > You can find a draft linked below and the step-by-step process we're following.  Please do share your thoughts on this thread.
> > 
> > Document: https://gist.github.com/amirmc/fe8a931c246bb13d9b32
> > 
> > -- The process for adopting the governance framework --
> > 
> > 0. I draft and discuss a governance document with existing project maintainers and reach agreement. (DONE).
> > 1.  I send an email update to the infra list and caml-list, with a link to a public version of the doc.
> > 2.  We allow a period of public discussion on the infra list.
> > 3.  During this, I explicitly ask Maintainers and Owner to confirm they will adopt the doc.
> > 4.  In parallel, I create an issue on the ocaml.org repo with a list of people to check off as agreements come in -- important that the responses happen on the mailing list as that's properly archived.
> > 5.  Once all the affirmations are in, I push the doc to the ocaml.org site.
> > 
> > Best wishes,
> > Amir

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