[opam-devel] licensing handling for Opam

Roberto Di Cosmo roberto at dicosmo.org
Thu Apr 4 21:31:23 BST 2013

On Thu, Apr 04, 2013 at 08:55:49PM +0200, Florent Monnier wrote:
> It was just a warning against expecting to get things done
> automatically without human checking the results.

Sure, with legal issues at stake, no amount of checking (human
or automatic) is ever enough: you would need to have the full chain
of legal responsibility at hand, and there are many source codes
loose on the internet carrying licences choosen by people who did
not necessarily have the right to do it (and do not even know they
did not have the right to do it).

But we need to start somewhere, and having the metadata onboard
is a necessary first step (notice I even mentioned "unknown" as a possible
licence value, and listed two licences in one of the fake examples);
collecting a software distribution chain is a next step...
one at a time, we might go far :-)

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