[opam-devel] Apscud on osx < 10.9 (was Re: aspcud 1.9.0 packages on Archlinux)

Roberto Di Cosmo roberto at dicosmo.org
Thu Mar 27 12:56:51 GMT 2014

On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 01:01:08PM +0100, Daniel Bünzli wrote:
> Ok so it seems that: 
> * I do have some kind of version > 1.1.1, opam --git-version should be fixed, it's annoying to be blind.


> * apscud doesn't work on 10.8.5 I always get the warning mentioned earlier and it falls back to the internal solver

Seems so... to check this is actually the case, you can call aspcud directly on the cudf you generated, for example

$ aspcud /tmp/solver-error-76189-1.cudf /tmp/sol.cudf "-count(removed),-notuptodate(solution),-count(new)"

> * falling back to the internal solver has catastrophic consequences (it even
> wants to remove the base packages), the solutions are absurdly different from
> those proposed by a call without external solver.

In oldish versions of opam, despite the message stating "falling back to the
internal solver", no fall-back was performed, hence the absurd solutions.
This was fixed in trunk by Louis and me recently.

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Roberto Di Cosmo
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