[opam-devel] Using the new travis containers

Thomas Gazagnaire thomas at gazagnaire.org
Thu May 14 21:40:11 BST 2015

> But how do I get it recursively?
>    $ opam list -e ubuntu hdhcp --short --rec
>    $ opam list -e ubuntu ctypes-foreign
>    libffi-dev

This seems to do the trick:

$ opam list -e ubuntu --short --rec --required-by hdhcp 

> And ctypes-foreign is a dependency in the local hdhcp file:
> opam-version: "1.2"
> name: "hdhcp"
> maintainer: "haesbaert at haesbaert.org"
> version: "0.0.1"
> authors: [ "Christiano F. Haesbaert" ]
> license: "ISC"
> homepage: "https://github.com/haesbaert/hdhcp"
> dev-repo: "https://github.com/haesbaert/hdhcp.git"
> bug-reports: "https://github.com/haesbaert/hdhcp/issues"
> tags: [ "org:mirage" ]
> build: [ "./build.sh" ]
> install: [ ]
> remove: [ ]
> depends: [
>  "base-bytes"
>  "type_conv"
>  "ocamlfind" {build}
>  "cmdliner" {build & >= "0.9.4"}
>  "cstruct" {>= "1.3.0"}
>  "sexplib" {>= "109.53.00"}
>  "lwt"     {>= "2.4.3"}
>  "ipaddr"  {>= "2.5.0"}
>  "ctypes"  {>= "0.4.0"}
>  "ctypes-foreign"
>  "extunix"
>  "menhir"
> ]
> available: [ocaml-version >= "4.01.0"]
> -anil
>>>> Shows me no depexts, so is there a new command with "opam list" or similar
>>>> that I'm meant to use?
>>>>> Notes:
>>>>> - All debs and PPAs must be whitelisted by Travis. avsm is whitelisted already.
>>>>> - aspcud is not whitelisted (I've requested it here:
>>>>> https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-ci/issues/3898), which means that
>>>>> the opam deb doesn't work reliably. Instead, my branch gets opam and
>>>>> aspcud via 0install.
>>>>> - There's no obvious way to specify which version of ocaml you want.
>>>>> Perhaps Anil could add e.g. an `ocaml-4.01` with a suitable version
>>>>> constraint?
>>>> I publish several PPAs for each combination of OPAM and OCaml:
>>>> https://launchpad.net/~avsm
>>>> Is it possible to select the right PPA repository from this list,
>>>> or does this require individual whitelisting from Travis?
>>> The entry is here:
>>> https://github.com/travis-ci/apt-source-whitelist/blob/63454fd9da89fce908ab316a69defa28f34c1743/ubuntu.json#L2
>>> { "alias": "avsm", "sourceline": "ppa:avsm/ppa", "key_url": null },
>>> So I'm guessting it's just this one.
>>> -- 
>>> Dr Thomas Leonard        http://roscidus.com/blog/
>>> GPG: DA98 25AE CAD0 8975 7CDA  BD8E 0713 3F96 CA74 D8BA
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