[opam-devel] OCaml (4.09) test failure

Raja Boujbel - OCamlPro raja.boujbel at ocamlpro.com
Mon Jan 13 13:47:14 GMT 2020


Seems that failing test is from the ocaml testsuite. If it's an ocaml
issue, you can report on https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues .

For opam, you can report on https://github.com/ocaml/opam/issues,
precising the problem, your opam version, and what lead you to the issue.

If you are not sure about the issue, you can reach / ask question on the
discuss forum, discord channels, irc, or ocaml ml. You can find all
links in his page https://ocaml.org/community/mailing_lists.html.

Raja -- OCamlPro

On 12/9/19 11:09 AM, Ev Drikos wrote:
> Hello,
>  The OCaml tests have one failure on macOS 10.13 and I don't if this
>  is a known issue or possibly something is wrong in my installation.
>  So, I'm not sure if this problem should be reported and how, ie at:
>  https://github.com/ocaml/opam/issues
>  The failed test is this:
>    tests/output-complete-obj/'test.ml'
>    with [testing 'test.ml' with]
>  Summary:
>  2473 passed,
>      33 skipped,
>        1 failed,
>      94 not started,
>        0 unexpected errors,
>  2601 considered.
>  Is the above a known or unknown issue, or possibly some problem in my
>  installation?
>  Thanks in advance,
>  Ev. Drikos
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