[ocaml-platform] on the need and design of OCaml namespaces

Didier Remy Didier.Remy at inria.fr
Fri Mar 1 15:33:19 GMT 2013

> The content of a namespace files is a mapping between references and
> compilation units.

>   Core
>    |
>    |--->  (List => Core_list)
>    |--->  (String => Core_string)

This describes the content of the file, not a namespace.
These are commands in a very simple namespace language that creates a
namespace by action on the current OCaml compilation environment.
After execution of these commands you would rather get something like

>   Core
>    |
>    |--->  List =>  <Core_list>
>    |--->  String ==> <Core_string>

where <Internal_name> is the module object that has Internal_name as its
long name.  This is a indeed one-level name space.

>  If one wants to see this as a tree, one would draw something like:

One reason to see it as a tree is that you may use several namespaces in the
same compilation step.  In your compilation environment, you now have
namespace file names mapping to level-1 namespaces.  This defines a 2-level
namespace, which can be represented as:

       |--->  Core
       |         |
       |         |--->  (List => Core_list)
       |         |--->  (String => Core_string)
       |         |--->  (Unix => Core_unix)
       |--->   UCore
              |--->  (List => Core_list)
              |--->  (String => Core_string)

> But I don't really see the value of considering this as a tree: there can only
> be two levels

Understood, but it is now easy to add another level such as JaneStreet
between Root and Core. (I know you don't think it is useful, but
if we do so, then you just have hierachical namespaces.)

> and they are of a very different nature (nodes of the first level
> are names; nodes of the second level are pairs of names).

Now, the second level are no more pair of names but mapping from names to
module object. So its exaectly a hierachical namespace where leaves are
module objects.

> To be noted: the same
> reference name (List, String) can be appear in several leaves, of course, but so
> do unit names (Core_list, Core_string).  You could have for instance:

Yes, indeed.  This would also be the case with hierachical namespaces since
these names are under different prefix.

(The only reason to rule this out would be that edges 1-level below would be
"auto-open" and unorered, but for comparisson, let's say we don't have
auto-open edges, since you don't.)

> How does this fit into the hierarchical model?

I think it does very much.  At this point I am not trying to say that the
model should be hierachical, just that our two models are compatible

The misunderstanding was I think that a namespace file is for you a
sequence of (your unique) namespace command.

         List => Core_list
         String => Core_string

For us (Gabriel and i) a namespace is a small program that builds a
namespace.  A name space object is the result of executing this program
in the current environment.

I can see your command

         List => Core_list

         let x = <Core_list> in    (1)
         List -> x                 (2)

(1) find the module object with the internal name Core_listl binds it to x.
(2) map List to x

Then each line is a merge, and you end up building the namespace I described
above. Then, because you do not combine existing namespaces, you may not
need to have a model of what a namespace object is, and just reason at the
program (sequence of namespace command) level.

One simplification in your 2-level model that makes it look as a 1-level
model is that you use the name of the namespace file as name of the
namespace it defines, while for us the name of a namespace file
would just be used to lead the file and the nema of the namespace would
have to be written in the file itself.  This is really a minor difference.


I think making this connection helps understanding one another.  In
particular, I now see that your proposal to add open commands in namespace
files is the same as mine, and they both avoid the need for auto-opens.
(Whether this is a good thing is another question---but the answer should be
the same in both cases.)

It also helps understanding how your 2-level model could be later extended
to an arbitrary level model if need be.

It should helps transfer ideas from one view to the other:

For exemple, in the hierachical model, a namespace can be defined in a
single namespace file, because the syntax of our namespace files is not
restricted to building 1-level only namespaces.  So even if we restrict our
model to 2-level namespaces, we could keep the freedom to build either
1-level or 2-level namespaces in namespace files.  On the contrary, in your
setting, a source file using dozens of libraries will have to use dozens of
namespace files, either imported in the header or passed on the command
line, while we can concatenate them into a single namespace file.  Probably
a minor difference, but good enough for illustration.


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