[wg-camlp4] My uses of syntax extension

Gerd Stolpmann info at gerd-stolpmann.de
Tue Jan 29 14:19:13 GMT 2013

Am 29.01.2013 15:00:46 schrieb(en) Jeremy Yallop:
> On 29 January 2013 13:17, Leo White <lpw25 at cam.ac.uk> wrote:
> > quotations should also be used in for extensions that are, as  
> Gabriel put
> > it, "mostly valid OCaml code".
> I'd like to offer an opposing view: quotations are for use in
> metaprogramming, and should not appear in user code (including code
> that makes use of syntax extensions) at all.
> Quotations turn code into values that can be processed by user code.
> The idea of a quotation is to prevent code being evaluated
> immediately, instead making it available to the quoting program as a
> manipulable value.  I don't think that's what we're aiming for here;
> instead, we're aiming to make it easier to hook syntax transformers
> into the compiler.

I don't think you can really separate this if it comes to really  
foreign syntax. I need to parse it anyway, and of course I get then a  
manipulable value. I can easily provide e.g.

   <:sql< ... >>


   <:sqltree< ... >>

at the same time (the latter would just return the parsed syntax tree,  
whereas the former would directly execute the foreign expression).

Object level and meta level are only separated by one "exec" call.

If your intention is to reserve the quotation notation for the meta  
level, I don't see the benefit.


> Perhaps some examples will make the distinction clearer.
> Here's a Campl4 quotation that builds an AST fragment:
>       let x = <:expr< y + 1 >>
> The value bound to x is now available for use in the program in which
> the quotation appears.  You can analyse it, embed it in a larger AST,
> print it, etc.
> Here's a MetaOCaml quotation that builds a code value:
>       let x = .< y + 1 >.
> Again, the value bound to x is now available for use in the program in
> which the quotation appears.  You can compile it, include it in a
> larger piece of code, etc.
> Here's a string quotation:
>       let x = " y + 1 "
> Once again, the value bound to x is available for use in the program
> in which the quotation appears.  You can tokenize it, print it, etc.
> In each case above, omitting the quotation delimiters would cause
> immediate evaluation of the quoted code.  The reason for quoting is to
> prevent evaluation and make the code available as a value instead.
> Now consider the arrow notation example:
>       let g = <:proc< x -> y <- f -< x + 1;
>                            return -< y + 2 >>
> Here the aim is quite different: we don't want to prevent immediate
> evaluation; instead, we want to transform the syntax *for* immediate
> evaluation.  We don't want g to be bound to some user-manipulable
> representation of the code.  Instead, we want the *implementation* to
> consume the desugared notation, type check it and bind the result of
> evaluating it to g.  The distinction between user-consumable and
> implementation-consumable code is obscured if we use quotations for
> both in the source language.  Both quotations and syntax extensions
> are useful, but let's use different notations for them.  For example,
> using Alain's proposal, we might write the following for the arrow
> notation fragment:
>       let g = (@proc) x => (y <= f =< x + 1;
>                             return =< y + 2)
> Jeremy
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Gerd Stolpmann, Darmstadt, Germany    gerd at gerd-stolpmann.de
Creator of GODI and camlcity.org.
Contact details:        http://www.camlcity.org/contact.html
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