[ocamlweb-devel] multi-lingual support

Philippe Veber philippe.veber at gmail.com
Sun Jan 6 16:18:37 GMT 2013

Neither Python, Perl or Haskell has a multi-lingual site, so it's safe to
say that this is not a must-have. I agree with Ashish that we probably lack
man power to do it properly, and I personnally think it would only hurt to
offer broken/incomplete translation.

2013/1/6 Ashish Agarwal <agarwal1975 at gmail.com>

> We could hook into google translate. Taking into account the reality of
> man power, google translate does a much better job than us and is far more
> comprehensive.
> On Sun, Jan 6, 2013 at 10:06 AM, Ashish Agarwal <agarwal1975 at gmail.com>wrote:
>> On Sat, Jan 5, 2013 at 6:10 PM, Christophe TROESTLER <
>> Christophe.Troestler at umons.ac.be> wrote:
>> I have added some code (untested) to include ranges of lines in
>>> files.  I have not used it however as it looks rather brittle.
>> That seems extremely brittle.
>>> Maybe we should use some kind of tags to delimit portions of a file we
>>> want
>>> to include?
>> We could have something like "include foo.html:id" where id is an
>> attribute on some tag within foo.html.
>> But more generally, I'd like to ask whether multi-lingual support is
>> really feasible? We currently have virtually no pages even in French, some
>> of the few we have are already out of sync with the English versions, and
>> we lack the man power to build even the English site.
>> Any thoughts on simply dropping multi-lingual support?
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